bb workspace system was certified for compatibility with Microsoft Windows 7

On February 2010, Double B Inc. tested bb workspace system for compatibility with Microsoft Windows 7 operating system.
Compatibility with Windows 7 allows users of the bb workspace system be fully confident in rapid transition to the Windows 7 operating system, bb workspace system can also work on a 64-bit platform.
General Director of Double B Inc., Vasily Gromov, said: "Our customers are sure of bb workspace system corresponding to the highest standards of compatibility with Microsoft software. We are interested in confirming our professional competence, as it is directly related to the image of our software product."
In official letter from Microsoft on Certification of software said: "By providing the software with the quality mark Microsoft notes the successful completion of certification tests, it confirms that the software meets the basic standards of quality, reliability and compatibility with Microsoft".
Next step of Double B Inc. is to confirm compatibility with some other Microsoft software products, including Windows Server 2008 R2.
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