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Purpose of the visual layer bb staff

Visual layer bb staff designed for easy interaction between members of the organization with each other, to work with a list of users in the context of the organizational structure and status of users. The formalization of staff in accordance with the organizational structure of the organization allows employees to interact comfortably with each other.

Visual transition from one layer to another through a range of appropriate tabs on the top menu in the center and does not require a multi-window attachment to the desired level, with adjustment systems can "remember" the last layer is used in the subsequent entry into System. As a result, the user immersed in a comfortable mode of the system, which as a whole and balanced in its essence, providing maximum opportunities for operational work not only documents, but also raises the work of the staff to a new level.

Proof of the above is the realization within the visual layer bb staff mechanism for accounting for staff time - bb time-management, which makes it possible to record and monitor the working staff time. The results are displayed in the relevant protocols xls-format and can be subjected to statistical analysis and graphical analysis. This analysis helps without any investment to achieve fantastic results: dozens of times to improve quality and productivity, drastically reduce the losses (and hence the cost of products and services), to optimize the organizational structure, increase loyalty and, consequently, the liquidity of the organization.

In the visual layer bb staff are given the rights and responsibilities of users, for example, you can specify the right of access to information of subordinate staff, you can specify who is the deputy head, which allows the Deputy to impose its EDS on paper during the absence of head.

Visual layer bb staff can keep track of:

  • Personal and contact information of users.
  • Electronic digital keys of users.
  • Alternates for the period of validity.
  • Graphical user information: Photos and samples of signatures.
  • Subscribe e-mail notifications.
  • Intermittent users.

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