In order to celebrate the anniversary of Double B HotLine there was a Prize Lottery among the clients and users of bb workspace system. This anniversary was due to the 5000th situation registration on the Hot Line.
24.09.2014: System of quality management of Double B Company was certified again under ISO 9001-2011
During the month of August, 2014, Double B Company was certified on quality management under the state standard of ISO 9001-2011. The renewed certificate is active now instead of the one issued under ISO 9001-2008, and was given by ‘PromVestNadzor’ company accredited at Federal agency for technical regulation and metrology.
28.08.2014: JSC «ROSSIYSKIY KREDIT BANK» chooses integrated EDS bb workspace for budgeting (Moscow)
Double B Inc. and JSC «ROSSIYSKIY KREDIT BANK» signed an agreement for the supply of an integrated electronic document management system bb workspace in a special edition Bank Business. When choosing a company supplying software solutions management of the bank in the first place, take into account the complexity of the proposed product and stable reputation of the developer.
02.07.2014: Holding "AU Group" for a comprehensive workflow selects EDS bb workspace (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
From an analysis of the market of electronic document holding "AU Group" (Kyrgyzstan) has decided to contract with JSC "Double B" on the delivery and implementation of an integrated system of electronic document management bb workspace in a special edition of Corporate Business. The main criteria for choosing a supplier of software solutions in a comprehensive and reliable business reputation of the developer.
05.06.2014: Double B takes part in the conference "Forum for financial and IT management" (Ekaterinburg)
One of the largest in the Urals region conferences for top managers of leading companies "Forum for financial and IT management" took place in the business center "President" (Ekaterinburg) on the 5th of June 2014. The main goal of the conference was to show the effectiveness of management with the help of modern automation means. Vasily Gromov, Director General of Double B Inc. was one of the key speakers, he showed the advantages of the complex system of automation of financial workflow bb workspace.
01.05.2014: Double B takes part in the CFO summit (Moscow Region)
The 6th summit of financial directors took part on the 24-25th of April. This summit was on the implementation of the latest IT products in the work of financial units of different companies. Double B was one of the sponsors of the conference. Double B is the developer of highly functional software for automation of workflow - bb workspace.
23.04.2014: Double B takes part in the conference "Effective management of enterprises" (Moscow)
On April 22-23, 2014 a conference "SMART BUSINESS IT" took place, where problems of effective management of enterprises were discussed. The Double B representative gave two reports to present the advantages of the document management system bb workplace.
27.03.2014: Double B takes part in a business brunch "How to build a successful EDS" (Moscow)
Double B presented the new updated version of complex EDS bb workplace to experts and future clients. The presentation took place during business brunch "How to build a successful EDS" which was held on March 27, 2014 in Moscow.
27.02.2014: A fresh look at the system of document flow and management (Ekaterinburg)
The IX Conference "Order.doc in business" was held in Ekaterinburg on the 13th of February 2014. The conference was held on the document management and business processes. Double B specialists took part in this conference and demonstrated opportunities of EDS bb workspace. They also took part in the creating video on the song "We wish happiness to all of you!"