News for February 2010 year

27.02.2010: Double B Inc. takes part in the VI Conference-Exhibition "Innovative software for financial and exchange markets"
24.02.2010: Translation of the episode about bb workspace system on TVC Channel (Moscow)
19.02.2010: MOSCOW - General Director of Double B Inc. was awarded "Manager of the year" diploma in the scope of IT
Double B Inc. participates in the VI Annual Conference-Exhibition "Innovative software for financial and exchange markets", which was held in Moscow on February 25th - 26th, 2010 at the Conference Hall of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange.
24.02.2010: Translation of the episode about bb workspace system on TVC Channel (Moscow)
February 24, 2010. TVC Channel rebroadcasted video episode about Double B Inc. as one of integral parts of Russian economy locomotive.
19.02.2010: MOSCOW - General Director of Double B Inc. was awarded "Manager of the year" diploma in the scope of IT
MOSCOW - In the issue of the tender "Manager of the year - 2009" Vasily Gromov, General Director of Double B Inc. was selected from among other candidates (apx. 1000) and conquered "Manager of the year" competition in the scope of IT.