Expand of the Double B client and agent network in January 2011
Expand of the Double B client and agent network in January 2011

A dozen of new organizations from different domains joined the client's list in January 2011. These are governmental and municipal organizations as well as commercial enterprises, companies working in the financial field:
- ALMAZZOLOTO (Moscow city, Bank Business edition)
- Bank "Sovetckii" (Saint-Petersburg, Bank Business edition)
- Company "Dakom M" (Moscow city, Corporate Business edition)
- Construction company "Beshtauproekt" (Pyatigorsk, Corporate Business edition)
- Company "Taktika Invest" (Moscow city, Corporate Business edition)
- Company "Forest Park Otel" (Ukraine, Volnovaha, Corporate Business edition)
- Company "Aspect" (Moscow city, Corporate Business edition)
- Company "CDN-video" (Moscow city, Corporate Business edition)
When configuration was done by Double B staff it was done with the help of a remote mode via Internet. The remote mode of server set up with the bb workspace allows the client to save on transportation and business trip expences and, thus, to get the highest possible quality of work done.
The agent network has been also expended. A new agent is a dynamic IT-company "MKC ASTA-inform" from Chelyabinsk. << back