For the purpose to enhance the look onto IT market, BB Software Co. moves to a new spacious offices at Technopark Strogino, location: 8-1 building, Tvardovskogo st., Moscow.
The implementation of the system of electronic document management allow to change the style of management. In addition to obvious benefits of ease of work with documents, their search and information security, SED also helps to reduce the deadlines thanks to decrease of the time spent on document flow management, automation of preparation of different analytic reports, increase discipline.
Modern SEDs solve other important problems. Thus, the functionality of bb workspace in addition to a combination of paper document flow with automated one, also includes the budgeting. These SED will be effective for financial management in governmental institutions, research and development organizations, in small and medium businesses. SED bb workspace consists of several visual layers with their tasks, it is possible to use them separately or all together. Apart of already mentioned financial and non-financial document flow, bb workspace solves tasks of communication with the clients (crm), personnel management and time control.
In addition SED bb workspace has a user-friendly interface thanks to which the work with the system is not only effective and also very comfortable. Even beginners will be able to work with the system just after its installation; the monitor shows the whole filed of activity and the needed information is obtained by several clicks. The system for effective management bb workspace works with industrial Microsoft SQL Server and with free Microsoft SQL Server Express as well; even the smallest company will be able to get the system with minimum expenses.
The system is presented in several editions: for corporate companies (Corporate Business), for banks and financial institutions (Bank Business), governmental institutions (Government Service). ZAO Double B, the developer of bb workspace, did its best to make the system a high quality, cost-effective and sophisticated product.
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