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Articles in this category "Customer Relationship Management (CRM)"

Crm for interaction wiht partners and customers

On the basis of bb workspace and its visual layer bb crm it is very easy to arrange the company's contact center. The link of bb crm with visual layer bb docflow allows to simplify the process of preparation and creation the documents addressed to company's partners, minimize the time and effort needed for data entry and document approval.

Competent organization of the relationship with partners - the basic of conpany's success

In their everyday activities companies always communicate with other companies and individuals, that's to say, suppliers, subcontractors or clients. The success of the company depend on the availability, easy access to the information about such partners and clients.

Critical factors in the interaction with contractors

Often, in tough competition building of relationships on a personal level is as crucial as the economic benefits of business cooperation.

Contractors - successful interaction

It is hard to make profit without contractors - clients and suppliers - for any business.

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