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2007.01.22 - Comment Web Reflection

In our company, with the growth of business activity, the interest in the class of software as an electronic document circulation system (ECM) has increased. There are presented  more than 25 various ECM, with different  characteristics and  prices in the market place. Trend of ECM is oriented to office-work size: from small to industrial  volumes. It is natural that at such diversity of the software products presented in the market, to us as to the potential customer raised the issue of choice ECM for 75 of our users, taking into account the growth prospects of employees in our organization.

We have established a working group of 5 people, to choose ECM. We held our first meeting of the working group and, after weighing the most important points when choosing the ECM, identified four main criteria, the most important for our organization: ergonomics, functionality, technical support and price.

Ergonomics ECM for us is the basic criterion in choosing a software product, because the experience of implementation of various software in our organization, it is of ergonomics at 80-90% the success of the introduction of new software product. If the ergonomics of the ECM will be inconvenient, our staff simply would  not want to use this system in their work. Bad ergonomics ECM will lead to irritability and user conflicts at work, including our guide. Therefore, the ergonomics of the ECM, we have drawn the most attention.

Functionality is responsible for whether employees, using a convenient ergonomic ECM carry out the stated objectives. For all the functionality on the market ECM does not differ much from each other. In all that we have considered a wide EDMS functionality for working with documents: create documents from templates, harmonization of documents on the routes, supported by the Versioning of documents, statement of goals and assignments, contextual search, etc.

Price is responsible for the efficiency of the system. We understand that if the ECM can save time, it would be true that the system would cost no more than the savings from using ECM time and money.

Support is responsible for long-term, trouble free operation. We believe that the quality of technical support for the ECM depends on the quality of workflow automation in our organization: implementation of the settings, making us the necessary functions, update document templates, updated versions of the ECM.

For each main criterion, we decided to introduce weights in descending order of their importance. Moreover, each main criterion for evaluation for our working group on the 10-point scale, after which the results are generalized, and for clarity, built schedule.

By results of consideration of the ECM by our working group, namely: review of the demos, consultations with developers, analysis of information provided on the web developers and Internet was obtained by a table with scores for each ECM and consideration for each criterion.

The leader by quantity of the typed points became ECM Corporate Business. All members of our working group noted a high ergonomics Corporate Business and convenient navigation system. Also  technical support of developers was awarded as high qualified, thanks to web-services, which allow to record all calls to the hotline and track the progress of the fixed tasks on a Web server developer. The same working group has been highly appreciated by the mechanism of full automatic update ECM Corporate Business, similar to Windows Update. The presence of such modern services was a rarity among the developers of the ECM, so our working group was unanimous in exhibiting the highest points Support Corporate Business.

Thus, having a large and hard work of the working group, we have chosen ECM Corporate Business.

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