Mail to developer
Company's optimization

Optimize your company and your business

It can happen that the volume of document flow in the enterprise seem to be low, but the employees know how long it takes to proceed it. Suppose we have a company with multiple offices and retail outlets. The company receives an instruction from the head office, the employee should, by any means of communication (usually by email) let the others know the content of the document. it seems to be easy.

In practice it leads to several iterations due to numerous restrictions, directly or indirectly related to the case: the mail didn't pass, the acknowledgement of receipt of the letter was not sent, the message was lost, etc, etc. This is very evident in large amounts of documents and numerous staff involved in document flow proceeding. The optimization of the enterprise and business becomes inevitable on a certain step of company's development.

It is very important to choose a right system of document flow and to optimize the costs of optimization. The bb workspace system was developed regarding these problems.

It is no secret that 'optimization of business procedures' can go in different ways. For example, the employees establish their own system of codes and symbols. People do not name the document by its number, they call it by the name of the supplier or cities. Ideally, the system should be easily modified and be able to easily set up convenient submission of documents.

This is just one aspect - the control of document movement. There are also business planning of costs, orders and deliveries. Effective EMS should not only optimize business processes, but be also easy in exploitation. In other words, EMS should be convenient for users with different experience level which is one of the main priorities of bb workspace. Bb workspace can optimize business processes in 6-fold.

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