VNIINMASH Federal Enterprise counts its history from year 1958 when under a special act o the Soviet Council of Ministers, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Normalization in Machine Industry was established. At present VNIIMASH is a leading scientific and research institute in technical regulation, machine product standardization and certification, electronics, instrument-making, information technology, medical equipment, defense products.
Due to major increase of network fields and consequently increase of documentation flow it was decided to implement the complex system of electronic document flow - docflow. In 2011 the analysis of the presented on the market electronic document system (ES) efficiency was done. Considering the price-efficiency, quality-technical support criteria the bb workspace system developed by the Russian company Double B Inc. was selected as the best product designer.
Before the final decision on purchase and implement of the EDS by bb workspace a two-month testing with simultaneous training of the Institute staff took place.
Since the implement of the EDS bb workspace the office proceedings and record-keeping were essentially optimized as well as the processing time was reduced.
First Deputy Director
Bubunov A.C.