2010.03.16 - Comment Administration of Serpukhov

Following the results of the tender by the Serpukhov City administration was chosen the complex system of electronic document circulation bb workspace, issuing Government Service. For a system usage time, quantity of user's licences has increased to 200, essential finishings according to features of operation of the City administration have been made.
The convenient interface has allowed to insert system fast and easily on all workstations of all employees of administration. Training of employees to operation in system has been spent on the job and has allowed to start in the shortest periods valuably to use system of electronic document circulation bb workspace, issuing Government Service.
Technical support from outside the developer gives convenient online-service on calls on «the Hot line» and with the subsequent tracing of statuses of the registered situations. Technical support of system of electronic document circulation bb workspace, issuings Government Service, rends at high level.
Certification of system of electronic document circulation bb workspace in Microsoft company about compatibility with Windows 7, gives additional confidence of correct system operation bb workspace on the new version of the operating system of Windows 7.
Technical support from outside the developer gives convenient online-service on calls on «the Hot line» and with the subsequent tracing of statuses of the registered situations. Technical support of system of electronic document circulation bb workspace, issuings Government Service, rends at high level.
Certification of system of electronic document circulation bb workspace in Microsoft company about compatibility with Windows 7, gives additional confidence of correct system operation bb workspace on the new version of the operating system of Windows 7.
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