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System maintenance
How to install a new unique database user of the System for effective management bb workspace instead of user "sa"?

Follow the procedure to install a new sql-user of the Microsoft SQL Server.

Why can't we open the help file help.chm on a network or network drivers?

Microsoft has released an update for Windows security, which blocks the run of chm files from network path or network driver.

How to delete the Database Log-file (Transaction Log) of Microsoft SQL Server?

To delete the file you can use the procedure "Detach-Attach"

How is it possible to limit the growth of Log-File (Transaction Log) Microsoft SQL Server?

The best option to limit the growth of Log-file Microsoft SQL Server is to use the settings Recovery-Model-Simple.

How to download the current document in the system while working in Microsoft Word?

To register the current document opened in Microsoft Word, there is special plugin has to be installed on the PC of each user, who wishes to use this feature.

How to configure remote access to bb workspace over the Internet?

Over the Internet can be used the terminal access (so-called "ultra-thin client" ).

How to install plugin bb outlook for Exchange-server?

To install and run the plugin bb outlook must have Exchange-server version 2013 or later, or Exchange-server as part of an active subscription to Office 365 (O365). You also need detailed RestFullAPI-server running IIS version 7 or later.

Is it possible to coordinate documents, budget payment requests, and to carry on tasks directly from the Calendar interface in Microsoft Outlook?

Yes, it is. It's possible to process documents, tasks and payment invoices created in the bb workspace EDS, using the bb outlook plug-in installed on your Exchange-server, directly from the Calendar interface built in Microsoft Outlook. All actions from the Calendar will be instantly displayed in the bb workspace EDS.

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