Free express-version of an effective management system bb workspace designed for comprehensive automation and Budgeting in organizations of different spheres of activity and industry sector. System bb workspace available in industry publications Corporate Business, Bank Business and Government Service.
Free express-version of the effective management system bb workspace designed to be fully functional 10 users in a single information space and running the free version of the DBMS Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition.
Small-scale business companies using the express-version of an effective management system bb workspace, can be completely independent and totally integrated automation of all processes related to record keeping and budgeting, at no additional cost to purchase separate office document systems and / or systems of archival documents andbudgeting systems, etc.
Free express-version of bb workspace enables average and large organizations to appreciate the wide potential of an integrated system of electronic document management and budgeting wiyhout spending any financial resources. If the express-version of bb workspace will be useful, there's always the possibility to expand the number of user licenses and select the desired level of technical support system (Custom, Standard or VIP), contact the manufacturer.
If you use a good deal with the use of bb workspace, you can begin to conduct their intraeconomic activities in order effectively to reduce costs of office and even at the expense of increasing profits.
How to get a free express edition of complex electronic management system bb workspace for 10 users:
Register on our web server. After registering, log into your profile and fill in all fields, including billing information necessary for the contract. Read and accept the contract-offer.
Download from the download page and install the trial version of bb workspace.
Please, send to our postal address a formal request on the form below (Form Z-1), on the letterhead of the organization, for express edition for 10 users. Our mailing address is given in the Contacts section.
If possible, send the person responsible for the installation and configuration of the system to us for a free short training course.
On the basis of a formal request to the, we will provide the license file to the responsible person of your organization License File transfers trial version into a working mode.
Please send us your feedback after 3 months of using the system.
All further communication with our company, is in working order, I.e. with the possibility of acquiring the piece (re-buys) user licenses as per the current price list, as well as with the choice of any of the levels of technical support system.
On our site a lot of materials for self-installation and configuration bb workspace, but to improve the efficiency of the functions inherent in the system, it is recommended to use the services of our experts on the primary system configuration.
On the form of organization
Ex. ¹ _____ of ______
Double B Inc.
V.E. Gromov
for non-paid granting of 10 licenses
of complex electronic management system bb workspace
For purposes of organizational needs, please provide free simple (non-exclusive license) express edition of effective management system bb workspace, Corporate Business edition or Bank Business (please be advised edition of the system).
We guarantee compliance with the License Agreement with Double B Inc.
To interact with Double B Inc. on organizational matters designated contact person: name, phone, e-mail.
Post of the head______________ / full name /
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