Double B received Silver Cloud Platform status within Microsoft Corporation partnership

In February 2015, Double B company received a new status within the partnership program with Microsoft Corporation. Assignment of Silver Cloud Platform competence has shown significant progress of the designer in developing the cloud service and use of remote access SaaS-technologies when operating the bb workspace program.
Long-term partnership with Microsoft and significant progress in developing cloud service and remote access technologies while operating the bb workspace EMS-platform allowed the Double B Company (Moscow) to gain a new prestigious status, one again confirming the company's excellent reputation.
Silver Cloud Platform competency shows that the well-known domestic software designer of the integrated management of business processes is sufficiently qualified to build the cloud solutions based on the Microsoft Azure possibilities.
Specialists of the Double B Company are constantly working to improve their professional level, as well as to make their main product, the bb workspace software, more reliable and functional so that it should allow to automate the business process of any enterprise or institution.For today, the work within a private could is considered one of the most effective technologies in using various software solutions: remote access costs effective, is easy to install and operate, and in this case is as functional as conventional boxed product.
According to Garther, the word-renowned research and advisory company, specializing in information technology, Microsoft Azure is being the only major cloud platform, the true leader in this branch, providing LaaS and PaaS-solutions.
Due to comprehensive combination of unmanaged and managed services, the users of MS Azure are able to create, expend and manage attachments by any means to achieve impressive performance. For today, more than half of companies in the Fortune 500 list actively use this platform.
Assignment of the Silver Cloud Platform confirms that bb workspace is a high quality solution fully optimized to working with Microsoft cloud services. Now, considering new technological possibilities, knowledge and access to MS Azure service base, the Double B specialists will be able to solve the problems of their clients at a higher level of competence.