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Commercial bank "InterCredit" installs SED bb workspace Bank Business edition (Moscow).

Commercial bank "InterCredit" was established in 1994 in Moscow by a number of enterprises. The Bank provides the full range of services in payment processing operations, has significant experience in international banking and the support of the foreign trade activities of clients. The bank has also significant experience in internal operations and this experience allows the bank to improve the balance structure and to minimize the risks.

In June 2011 the Bank decided to automate business processes and in order to reach this goal to install the SED bb workspace Bank Business edition.

Within the bb wokspace system the working group including Bank and Double B staff will implement the complex automation of business processes and document flow. They will customize the work of employees in a single information space, which includes the processes of internal document flow (visual layer bb docflow), budgeting (visual layer bb budget), interaction with the clients (visual layer bb crm). This allows the staff to quickly process all document flow on primary and economic activities of the bank and to control the funds flow within the bank budget.

The first step includes the implementing of the system for 100 users with the prospect of further development.

As a result of the implementation of bb workspace the bank sees the significant increase in document flow processes, the improvement of operational risks protection and the improvement of business processes and budgeting.

Commercial bank "InterCredit" has chosen the VIP-level services which is the most convenient for the bank. According to this service level:

  • The Bank has its own manager
  • The bank has unlimited number of consultations by all available means of communication and 24h access to the administrative section of the portal
  • The bank has 100h per quarter for individual tasks development which allows the bank to optimize and customize the system and reports according to their needs

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