The participation of Double B in the exhibition ''20 years of CIS - to new partnership horizons" in Moscow, VVC, Pavilion 75
The participation of Double B in the exhibition ''20 years of CIS - to new partnership horizons" in Moscow, VVC, Pavilion 75

The interstate exhibition ''20 years of CIS - to new partnership horizons" was held in All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow from June 28 till July 03, 2011.
The interstate exhibition devoted to the 20th anniversary of the CIS has demonstrated the specific achievements and the level of real cooperation between the sates. The exhibition is universal by nature and it reflects a wide range of cooperation in production, business, science, culture, sports and innovations.
The organizers of the exhibition were:
- Governments of the CIS members
- Executive committee of CIS
- The interstate council for exhibitions and trades of the CIS
- Council of heads of chambers of commerce of the CIS
While visiting the stand of Double B all guests could get personally acquainted with the wide range of possibilities of complex system for effective electronic document management bb wokspace, try to work with the system, get handouts and ask questions and get a professional answer from Double B experts. << back