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Participation of Double B in the conference "Business and Order" (Ekaterinburg city)

The VI annual conference on electronic document flow took place the 10th of February 2011. Double B took an active part in this conference. The conference was held in Ekaterinburg. The title of the conference "Business and Order"  underlined that electronic document flow and well-established business processes were an important part of order within the organization.

The program was divided into three parts and included "The Ideas", "The Tools" and "The Practice" of the implementation of electronic document flow. Double B held a presentation of the system for effective management bb workspace as one of the most useful tools in putting the business processes in order.

During the presentation the problems of paper document flow were discussed as well as their possible solutions through the implementation of bb workspace.

The implementation of the electronic document flow is a hard and time-consuming process taking into consideraiton a lot of nuances. The system for effective management bb workspace combines wide functionality and convenient interface that allows to minimize all difficulties while implementing the docflow. The well-estublished and productive work is a result of a correct implementation.

High interest that demonstrated business professionals and managers as well as governmental staff shows once again the actuality of the problems discussed for the Urals enterprises.

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