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Double B Inc. takes part in the Forum "Moscow Partnership" which takes place from 2 to 3 December 2010 (Moscow)

Several seminars were held during the Forum and more then 50 participants showed their expositions (Picture 1).

Picture 1.

The Forum is help with the help of:

- The Department of Science and Industrial Policy of Moscow
- The Department of Consumer Market and Services of Moscow
- The Department of Labor and Employment of Moscow
- The Society of Merchants and Industrialists of Moscow

There was an information booth of Double B Inc (Picture 2) where everyone could get acquainted with an effective management system bb workspace and get answers to their questions (Picture 3), receive gifts, and make the application to receive free express-version system. Free express-version of an effective management system bb workspace designed for comprehensive automation and Budgeting in organizations of different spheres of activity and industry sector.

Picture 2.

System bb workspace is available in different editions Corporate Business, Bank Business è Government Service.

Picture 3.

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